The Banners System on F.E.G.I.
Приморье Геология

Издания по палеонтологии и стратиграфии Приморского края последних лет:
    1. Sweet W.C. et al. (eds.), 1992. Permo-Triassic events in the Eastern Tethys. World and Regional  Geology  2.  Cambridge  University  Press,  Cambridge, New York and Melbourne, 181 pp.
    2. Dickins J.M. et al. (eds.), 1997. Late Paleozoic and Early Mesozoic Circum-Pacific events and their global correlation World and Regional Geology 10. 245 pp.
    3. Dheeradilok P. et al. (eds.) 1997. Stratigraphy and tectonic evolution of Southeast Asia and the South Pacific. The Dept. of Mineral Resources, Bangkok, 769 pp.
    4. Baud A., Popova I., Dickins J.M., Lucas, S. & Zakharov Y. (eds.), 1997. Late Paleozoic and Early Mesozoic Circum-Pacific events: biostratigraphy, tectonic and ore deposits of Primorye (Far East Russia). Memoires de Geologie (Lausanne, № 20, 202 pp.
