Structure, Composition, and Depositional Settings of the Lower Cretaceous Rocks of the Zhuravlevka Terrane, Central Sikhote Alin Популярные

Число скачиваний: 3780

A. I. Malinovsky and V. V. Golozubov

Lithology and Mineral Resources, 2012, Vol. 47, No. 4, pp. 355–378

Abstract—The structure, mineralogicalpetrographic composition, and formation settings of the Berria sian–Albian terrigenous rocks of the Zhuravlevka terrane (Central Sikhote Alin) are considered. The rocks are interpreted as sediments accumulated in a virtually nonvolcanic basin along the transform plate boundary. Judging from the composition of terrigenous rocks, the main sources of clastic material were represented by the eroded graniticmetamorphic rocks of a mature continental crust, and, possibly, granitoid intrusions of ancient arc roots. Genetic features of the sediments suggest their accumulation on the shelf, underwater slope, foothill, and the adjacent basin plains of an oceanwardopen marginal sea.

DOI: 10.1134/S0024490212030078