Geology and Mineral Deposits of Primorsky K.rai (TerritO!)'). Популярные
Число скачиваний: 4468
Khanchuk, .4 .1., Ratkin, V. V., Ryazantseva, M. D. , Go/ozubov, V. V , Gonokhova, N. G.
Geology and Mineral Deposits of Primorsky Krai (Territory).
The book is an English translation of a sketch " Geologiya I Polcznyc lskopacmye Primorskogo K.raya", published by Dalnauka in 1995. Geology and mineral deposits of Primorsk)· Krai (Territory) arc discussed using .!!le terrane concept as a method of regional tectonic analysis. Description of terranes classified magmatic complexes, and metallogenic belts is given. Every economic coal and lode deposit disco\'cred in Primorsky Krai is briefly described.
Color map of terranes, maps of the distribution of coal and lode deposits and metallogenic belts are enclosed.
The book could be of interest for regional, mapping, and economic geologists.
Reviewed by Dr. L.N.Khetchikov