Geochemistry and therapeutic properties of Caucasian mineral waters: a review

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The Caucasian mineral water (CMW)
region is a unique area where mineral waters differ
by their chemical composition and balneological
properties. The presence of a wide range of mineral
waters with various ions and gas components and
different genesis and their therapeutic properties in the
restricted area is explained by complicated geological
and tectonic settings. The dominant type of mineral
water in the CMW region is CO2-bearing water with
H2SiO3 and H3BO3 as the specific components.
According to ion composition, gas phases’ content
into groundwater, total dissolved solids, and balneological
characteristics, we would distinguish 9 groups
and 16 types of these mineral waters, with each water
type being of particular therapeutic interest. The
CMW region includes four spa cities with a different
therapeutic profile: Zheleznovodsk, Kislovodsk,
Pyatigorsk, and Essentuki. Spa treatment is based on
the use of different types of mineral waters, therapeutic
muds within the region’s diverse landscapes, and
climatic conditions. Mineral waters are utilized in the
form of baths, swimming pools, showers, various
irrigations, inhalation, as well as drinking therapy.
Therapeutic mineral waters are used to treat gastrointestinal
problems, metabolic and nervous system
disorders, as well as various diseases of liver, kidney,
urinary tract, circulatory system, respiratory organs,
and skin.

Elena Fillimonova. Natalia Kharitonova. Ekaterina Baranovskaya. Alexey Maslov. Anna Aseeva

Environ Geochem Health (2022) 44:2281–2299